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The Man of the Fish and his Taubah

Do you know the story of Yonos (a.s) and what saved him from the belly of the fish?

Prophet Yunus (Jonah) was sent to Nineveh, an ancient town in current-day Iraq. This group of people did not believe in his message of Tawheed. When Yunus a.s found that his people had disbelieved, he was angered and annoyed because they had rejected his call so, he left them.

The prophets leave a disbelieving folk only when Allah permits them to do so. But Yonus a.s left his people without the permission of Allah. And little he knew that Allah will decide against him.

So, he went to board a ship and leave with a few companions. While sailing, it began to toss and turn due to the heavy tides. When they realized that there are too many of them on the ship and someone needs to be thrown overboard, they drew lots. Allah had planned Yonus a.s to draw lots. So, he got his name every time they cast lots and lost. He took off his garment and threw himself overboard.

"And he drew lots and was among the losers. Then the fish swallowed him, while he was blameworthy" Saffat : 141-142

And thus, he was called the man of fish.

The purpose of Allah was to make him swallow by the fish was to imprison him. He inspired the whale to not devour Yunus a.s.

If we think about it, can you imagine a prison-like that of a belly of fish? No one can survive that but SubhanAllah! It is a way of Allah showing his Hukm over everything!

When Yonos a.s realized his mistake, he called upon Allah from the darkness of darkness; the depth of the sea, the belly of the whale, and the gloominess that engulfed him with guilt.

"And he called out within the darknesses, "There is no deity except You; exalted, are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers."21: 87

He glorified Allah and accepted his mistake. He did not blame his people or Allah but himself. In the darkness of grief and the darkness of night.

His call went and hovered around the (mighty) Throne, and the angels said, ‘O Lord, this is the voice of one who is weak but known, in a faraway strange land.’

Allah, May He be exalted, said, ‘How do you know this?’

They said, ‘O Lord, who is he?’

Allah, May He be exalted, said, ‘My servant Yunus.’

They said, ‘Your servant Yunus, from whom there kept coming acceptable deeds and supplications which were answered!’

They said, ‘O Lord, will You not have mercy on him for what he did during his time of ease, and save him from this trial and tribulation?’

He said, ‘Of course.’’

So, He commanded the great fish, and it cast him forth on the naked shore.”

This dua is so valuable that the prophet said, “Whoever offers supplication in the words of the supplication of Yunus, will be answered.”

"So We answered his prayer and rescued him from anguish. And so do We save the true believers" 21: 88

What saved Yunus a.s from the fish?

It was Tasbeeh and acceptance of his mistake.

"And had he not be of the those who glorified Allah would have remained in the belly until the Day of Judgement " [Surah Saffat : 143-144]

If we look into our lives, any grief caused to a person is due to past sins. And this grief turns the person depressed. Supplicating Allah by admiring his perfection and admitting our mistakes is the only way out.

Tasbeeh, charity, and Dua are the most helpful things to go for in times of difficulties. Because our sins become obstacles to our wellbeing.

And as for his people, when they saw the punishment of Allah coming, they believed. This group of people was only the ones who were saved from torment after being decreed. (ref : Surah Yonus verse 98)

May Allah make us from those who glorify him all times and those who repent often!

O Allah make us among Tawwabeen! Ameen!



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