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Nurture your souls but with consistency!

Have you seen a dry river? And the barren land surrounding it?

In rivers and canals, water streams all year round keeps the land rejuvenated. And when summer arrives, the flow shallows down, ceases, and turns the land dry. This impacts the ecosystem around it; the famine hits the location.

One such similitude that we find in our lives is related to our relationship with the Quran. The Quran is like a river; with the potential to nourish our Imaan and Amal. Its not just something to be connected with only during the month of Ramadan but year-round. The Quran needs to be read, and pondered upon every now and then. We cannot read it once in a while and be like 'I have done my part like a glacier that melts into rivers just once a year!

Can we water a plant occasionally and then leave it for weeks to sustain itself? No, right? Likewise, the nourishment of the cells in our body is fulfilled by the continuous and tireless pumping of our hearts. Similar is the case of our hearts when it comes to our relationship with the Quran. It needs a constant inflow of reminders. And when it lacks that, the heart becomes prone to illnesses and so on.

"Whoever tries to attain knowledge in one stroke, will likewise leave him in one stroke."

The Prophet Muhammad told us that,

the most beloved acts of worship are consistent, even if they are small.

Learning about deen and practicing upon it is also an act of worship.

"Verily, knowledge is gained over days and nights."

O Servants of Allah! Nurture your souls but with consistency. As Muslims, we have been assigned certain deeds with their specific times and repetitions . Why is that so?

Why do we need to pray five times a day?

Why is it that every Friday, we have khutbah in the masjid?

Why are we trained in Ramadan ever year?

What is the need for Deen to fill our lives with constant and timely reminders? we need the remembrance of Allah and the teachings of the Holy Quran in our lives regularly to keep our souls alive. Else our hearts only become diverted toward the glitter of this world, and in a certain loop, turning away from purpose of our life. So how do we save ourselves from this? Yes, we need the Book of Allah! It is not by reading the Quran once in a while be like yes, I've done it! And then persist with our actions without the effect of Quran in our lives.

Imaam Az Zuhari (rahimahullah) also said "Knowledge has attained a hadeeth or two at a time."

When it comes to learning about Deen or memorizing the Quran is not studying like for our university exams, where we learn something, we struggle to keep that in our memory until the exams and happen to forget it later. Instead, it requires consistent revision and repetition until our last breath.

Maybe join a weekend Islamic program. Or sign up for a course. Or make a schedule of learning the meanings of the Quran. These could be the practical approach to keep learning the Quran regularly.

You know, it is said,

"Instead of praying one thousand rakaat at once and not praying again is much better than praying much lesser but with consistency all the life"

Allah swt wants us to remember him through all the times and to worship Him throughout our lives. It is for us to remind that no matter what happens in our daily lives, good or bad. To only Him we return and He is our ultimate Guide and Refuge.

May Allah give us the Tawfeeq to remember Him all times and induce the Quran and Deen into our lives with consistency. Ameen!



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